
Power saving relay driver

Relay coil after switch ON needs to voltage much lower than its nominal voltage,  We can use this property of relay to saving 85% of the power to increase the battery life in battery powered circuits. To reduce the current / power consumption we can put a resistor through the relay coil, but since this low current not enough to running the relay at the beginning so we should short out the resistor for 1 second, then the relay switch keep going.  You have to use this formula to calculate the suitable resistor value: For more explanations please watch this video:   

Electronic load using Op-Amp IC 358

Electronic load using Op-Amp IC 358 In this circuit i using IC 358 and some few components to make a simple constant load.  The trick here is connecting a dc voltmeter to the non-inverting input of the op-amp to preset the current before connect it to the battery or the super cap. under test. For more explanation you can watch the video below. Parts list: LM358 : High power resistor: Digital DC Voltmeter: Copper board: MOSFET IRFZ44N :   Potentiometer 100K : Resistor kit (10 Ohm): Heatsink:   Circuit:   Gerber file: Download the Gerber file from here: Video: For more explanation you can watch the video below 

Educational Logic gate

Educational Logic gate PCB by This PCB project designed to learning students how logic gates works The circuit used 4 ICs to simulation 8 basic logic gates (AND-NAND-OR-NOR-NOT-XOR-XNOR-Buffer)  You can order this PCB from here: Get 10 PCBs for Only $5 (First Order Completely Free) PCBWay is a chines PCB manufacture which make PCBs with high quality and low price Parts list: IC 4011 IC 4081 IC 4071 IC 4030 or 4070 LED Green (8pcs) LED Red (14pcs) IC Socket 14dip (4pcs) C1 Capacitor 220uF 10V C2 Capacitor 100nF R1 to R15 (except R5) Resistor 10K (14pcs)  R5-R16-R15 Resistor270R (3pcb) Push button switch (14pcs) Micro USB socket Circuit diagrams: There are 100nF and 220uF Capacitor between VCC and GND Download the Gerber file here: Video:

Running laptop with 12V battery

Running laptop with 12V battery for HP-G62 Parts list: Step up converter 12v to 19v Resistor 4.7K Zener diode 6.8V Battery 12V   Video: More information in the video  

Using ultrasonic sensor without arduino

Using ultrasonic sensor without arduino Parts list: IC 555 IC KA2284 LED(5pcs) Ultrasonic receiver & transmitter Resistor 1K Resistor 2.2K Resistor 10K Resistor 100 ohm Potentiometer 10K (2pcs) Capacitor 10uF (4pcs) Capacitor 3.3nF Transistor 2N2222 Buzzer There are 2 ways to using Ultrasonic sensor without microcontroller: First way, the buzzer turns ON when you put your hand near the sensor   Second way the LED bar show you the distance level between the sensor and the objects. Video: More information in the video

220v Photocell switch with 2 wires

Photocell or auto dark activated switch using for running garden or street lights in the night and turns them OFF at the day time automatically so it helps to power saving. The traditional photocell has two problems: 1-Standby power loss (around 1.6W) 2-Has 3 wires which is difficult to install I designed and make a new circuit that haven't those two problems. Parts list: IC 4093 SCR c106m LDR Bridge diode 4A Resistor 1M Resistor 30K Zener diode 9.1V 1/4W Circuit diagram: Important notes: 1- For this circuit you can only use SCR with sensitive gates such as BT169 or C106M 2- The IC used in this circuit is 4093 because it is micro-power IC , you can't use other NAND or NOT gate ICs.  3- Max. Load this circuit can handle is depend on SCR and bridge diode. The circuit can handle about 4A if used SCR C106M and 4A Bridge diode. 4- This circuit deal with 110/220V AC so can be very dangerous if you touch any component in the circuit. Video:

How to convert a square modified wave inverter to pure sine wave

In this project i conver a modified sine wave of an inverter to pure wave using microcontroller (Arduino) and low pass filter(LPF). Watch this video here . Parts list: Arduino Inductor 900mH(2pcs) Capacitor 2 to 3uF 400V Capacitor 0.8uF(800nF) 400V Capacitor 1000uF 16V Transformer 220v to 6v Potentiometer 100K Resistor 750R   Video: Code: void setup() {   pinMode(3, OUTPUT);   pinMode(4, OUTPUT); } void loop(){   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);   }   delayMicroseconds(1500);     {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, LOW);   }   delayMicroseconds(75);   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);   }   delayMicroseconds(50);   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, LOW);   }   delayMicroseconds(150);   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);   }   delayMicroseconds(125);   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, LOW);   }   delayMicroseconds(200);   {   digitalWrite(3, HIGH);   digitalWrite(4, HIGH);   }   delayMicroseconds(150)