Electric saver circuit for TV and monitors
There are some electric appliances that must turn ON-OFF together in same time, for example TV and satellite or monitor and computer case,...etc, but sometime you forget one of them. By this circuit when you run the TV, the satellite turns on automatically and when you turns off the TV the satellite turns off automatically. The circuit is very simple, when an electric appliance with power consumption more than 10W running, the voltage through diodes 1N5408 increased and the optocoupler runs the relay for switching the second device. You can use this circuit for any other devices such as desktop computer parts. It help to electric consumption optimization. Parts list: Diode 1N5408(3pcs) Diode 1N4007 Zener diode 24v 1W Bridge diode 1A Optocoupler PC 817 Relay 12v Resistor 270 ohm 1W Capacitor 470nF 250v Capacitor 100uF 50v Capacitor 22uF 25v