Arduino Capacitor tester with LCD
By this arduino project you can measure the capacity of capacitors with value between 0.1uF to 3500uF. Here arduino calculate the capacity value by measuring the time required to charge the capacity to reach 63.2% of source voltage(According to Capacitor time constant formula ), then divided this time by resistor value which is 10K to find out the capacitor value. Parts list: Arduino Board LCD 16x2 Breadboard Connecting wire Potentiometer 10K Resistor 10K Resistor 220 ohm(2pcs) Wiring: 10K resistor used for charging the capacitor and 220 ohm used for discharging. Capacitor under test with 47uF nominal value Capacitor Charge and discharge curve on oscilloscope: Code: #include <Wire.h> #include <LiquidCrystal.h> LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); #define analogPin 0 #define chargePin 13 #define...